The Story

Making stuffies was something that I had always wanted to do, but like so many other ideas it was forever on the backburner in my brain’s section of “someday”. Then, when my friends started to have babies everything changed.

As the story goes, my heart skipped a beat, grew three sizes and thus my inner child unzipped and climbed out from her adult skin suit. The feeling of making those first (and all subsequent) Superfriends was pure MAGIC. It touched my soul, and nurtured me in a way no other creative project had. And so, Superfriends was born. Since then I have let my inner child guide me, she whispers to me her ideas and I create them.

Welcome to Superfriends!

Let your inner child roam free

A little about me

I live in a small town on Vancouver Island, nestled in the rainforest and a stone’s throw from the ocean with my darling husband, our three daughters, two dogs and cat.

Soup is one of my favourite foods, and mossy forests make me go cuckcoo bananas. I like hiking, sci-fi, and recently, the colour pink.
I don’t like alarm clocks or donuts.

x Dallas